Webinar – Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness

Dear Reader,

what is culture and what are its various aspects? Find out the answer to that and many more questions in our new webinar held by Somya Dwivedi-Burks. In our digital connected world where the lines of virtual and real are converging, the need to recognize cultural differences in human interactions is even more important than before. Learn about what culture means, the various factors that influence it, how bias impacts our communication and many other necessary aspects to improve your communication in a cross-cultural scenario.


Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Time: 11:00AM EDT; UTC -4 | 07:00PM EDT; UTC -4

Language: English

Target Audience: Learners/professionals who are interested in cross-cultural training (American or International)

Important content:

  • What culture means and various factors that influence culture
  • What culture bias means – self-check quiz
  • How bias impacts our communication
  • Communication styles used in various international cultures
  • Dos and Don’ts of effectively communicating in a cross-cultural scenario

On your request we also organize in-house events matching your requirements and topics.



Karen Tinglev-Hansen
Regional Business Development Manager
Phone: +1-608-203-8460
Fax: +1-608-373-1988
Email: karen.tinglev-hansen@mwteam.com


Machwürth Team GmbH
Dohrmanns Horst 19
27374 Visselhövede

Phone: +49 4262 93 12 0
Fax: +49 4262 38 12

Email: info@mwteam.com
Web: www.mticonsultancy.eu

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