Preliminary Remark

As a training and consulting institute, direct encounters and work with people are essential for us. As an external partner of those responsible for personnel development and further training, we therefore have a special responsibility.

In order to meet this responsibility, we have drawn up a guideline for the preparation and implementation of face-to-face training courses.

Why are face-to-face trainings and social learning situations important to us?

Fundamentally, we regard a modern blended learning approach with learning impulses on an LMS, web meetings with trainers, pre-work presence training, transfer tasks and transfer web meetings with the trainers to be sustainable.

Behavioural training and personal feedback on concrete practical situations from the participants is only possible in good quality, face-to-face trainings.

This guideline is to be coordinated with our customers and the operator of the conference hotel or conference house and is to be implemented appropriately on the basis of current regulations.

The trainers are qualified und certified by us to implement the Corona Hygiene Plan. The trainers and coaches have committed themselves to consistently check the guidelines and ensure compliance.

The trainers are qualified und certified by us to implement the Corona Hygiene Plan. The trainers and coaches have committed themselves to consistently check the guidelines and ensure compliance.


The participants receive a leaflet with the hygiene rules together with the invitation to the training measure. The receipt of information and the commitment to comply to the rules are to be confirmed by each participant. At the opening of the training or workshop the trainer or coach goes through the hygiene rules once again − by means of a presentation − and agrees on the necessary rules of conduct.

The confirmation after working through the hygiene rules can also be made digitally on the LMS.

If you have the possibility to come to the training alone, you should do so, especially during the initial restrictions. If you are dependent on public transport, you must wear a mouth-and-nose cover. This is mostly mandatory.

If possible, do not share a car. The more people in one car, the higher the risk of infection. If there is no other option, it is also advisable for the passenger to sit at the back on the right – this will at least increase the distance to the driver a little.

Personal Hygiene

The novel coronavirus is transmissible from person to person. The main transmission route is through droplet infection. This occurs mainly directly via the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In addition, transmission is also possible indirectly when hands come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose and the conjunctiva of the eyes.

Most important measures

  • In the event of signs of illness (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or odour, sore throat, cold, aching limbs), participants are requested to stay at home at all times
  • Keep at least 1.50 m distance to other persons
  • Lifts must always be used by one person only and its use must be restricted to persons or situations with specific requirements
  • Do not touch the face, especially the mucous membranes, with your hands, i.e. do not touch the mouth, eyes or nose
  • No touching, hugging, kissing, fist bumps, etc. and no shaking hands
  • Items such as drinking cups, personal work materials and pens should not be shared with other people
  • Minimise contact with frequently used surfaces such as door handles or elevator buttons, i.e. do not touch with your full hand or fingers, use elbows if necessary.
  • Cough and sneeze etiquette: Coughing and sneezing into the crook of your arm or into a handkerchief are amongst the most important preventive measures! When coughing or sneezing, keep the greatest possible distance from other people, preferably turn away
  • Thorough hand hygiene: Wash your hands with soap for 20-30 seconds; cold water is sufficient, the use of soap is decisive, e.g. after coughing or sneezing, after using public transport, after entering the building for the first time, before eating, before putting on and taking off a mouth-and-nose protection and after going to the toilet

Training Rooms

The hygiene in the conference rooms must be agreed with by the operator of the conference venue and is to be controlled by the MTI trainer.

To avoid transmission by droplet infection, a distance of at least 1.50 metres must also be maintained during training sessions. This means that the tables in the training rooms have to be set that wide apart.

  • The participants should follow a fixed seating arrangement, which will be documented (by photo).
  • Partner and group work may only take place in compliance with the rules of hygiene and distance. Regular and correct ventilation is particularly important, as this will allow the indoor air to be exchanged. Several times a day, at least every 45 minutes, in each break and before each training unit, a shock ventilation or cross ventilation through completely opened windows must be carried out for several minutes. Tilt ventilation is largely ineffective, since it hardly exchanges any air.
  • Windows that are closed for safety reasons must therefore be opened for ventilation.
  • Rooms that are ventilated and ventilated via a ventilation system can be used, if it is ensured that the ventilation system cannot be used as a potential source of virus propagation (no air circulation, maintenance according to VDI 6022).
  • In order to prevent the skin from drying out due to frequent washing, the hands should be creamed regularly. The hand cream is
  • Hand cream will be provided by MTI or the operator of the conference venue
  • Disinfecting the hands is only useful when washing hands is not possible
  • Hand disinfection after contact with faeces, blood or vomit: for this purpose, disinfectant must be given in sufficient quantity in the dry hand and rubbed into the hands for approx. 30 seconds until completely dry. Make sure that the hands are completely wet

Mouth and nose protection (MNS) or a textile barrier (mouth and nose covering/ MNB/ helping masks) should be worn during breaks. You have to bring these yourself as they are not provided.

Wearing masks during the training is recommended, even if the safety distance is guaranteed. With an MNS or a textile barrier, droplets that are ejected when speaking, coughing or sneezing, for example, can be intercepted. The risk of infecting another person by coughing, sneezing or speaking can be reduced in this way (foreign protection). However, this must not lead to the distance being reduced unnecessarily.

The prophylactic wearing of infection protection gloves is not recommended.

MTI Hygiene Kit

As part of the hygiene instructions at the beginning of the training, each participant receives a personal hygiene kit from the trainer:

  • A mouth and nose protection
  • Disinfection solution / disinfection wipes
  • A pair of window glass glasses
  • A personal felt-tip pen
  • As well as a small tube of hand cream and a small, personal bar of soap

In the morning and at noon, the workplaces must be disinfected

This should generally take place by wiping liquid disinfectant in a cold solution.


  • Wipe door handles and handles (e.g. on drawers and windows) and the wrap-around of doors
  • Handrails, e.g. on stairs
  • Light switches
  • Tables, telephones, printers
  • All other grip areas
  • Computer mice and keyboards must be cleaned by the users themselves after use with suitable cleaning agents
  • The waste containers must be emptied daily

Infection protection during breaks

During breaks, before the start of training and immediately after the end of training, it must also be ensured that a distance of 1,5 meters is maintained.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner

It is important to keep your distance everywhere, in the restaurant and in the kitchen.

If necessary, precautions must be taken to control access, avoid queues and ensure a minimum distance of 1,5 meters.

Corona App (for German citizens)

For German citizens taking part in trainings in Germany, soon as the app is available, we recommend – in consultation with our customers – that participants of further education and training courses use the app.