MTI Anstoß zur Nachhaltigkeit durch Corona

Impulse for Sustainability – The Good Side of Corona?

Can you also include positive impulses in the field of sustainability from the circumstances caused by Corona? There is a message being spread about the fact that companies do not only save money through lower traveling costs and the quick switch to digital events and meetings—but also that companies contribute to sustainability. We have looked at what sustainability means at MTI and what happened to our firm considering sustainability.

Continue reading Impulse for Sustainability – The Good Side of Corona?

4 Reasons Why You Should Carry Out Your Personnel Development Measures Now! And How to Do It.

The effects of the coronavirus affected Germany in a way nobody could expect or could be prepared for. The emerging reduction of human interaction was not the only economic consequence for companies, it also affected working time reduction, loss of labor, and production through the loss of clients – and it was also sensible in the internal processes and the interaction between people. Big companies have reacted quickly to the virus by reducing contact as much as possible and following the required government guidelines by implementing prohibitions. Continue reading 4 Reasons Why You Should Carry Out Your Personnel Development Measures Now! And How to Do It.

New insights and impulses for the work of HR managers

In August and September 2019, we surveyed our customers about their requirements for personnel development in the future. Experts from 145 companies took part in our study “Digital Transformation as a Challenge for Personnel Development”. Our concern: A survey of experts on current developments in Germany.
Continue reading New insights and impulses for the work of HR managers

MTI’s Impulses, Perspectives and Outlook for Personnel and Organisational Development 4.0

Machwürth Team International celebrates its 30th anniversary with customers, consultants and the entire team. Our vision – to distinguish ourselves even more strongly as a pioneer in the field of personnel and organisational development 4.0.
Continue reading MTI’s Impulses, Perspectives and Outlook for Personnel and Organisational Development 4.0

Press release: MTI celebrates 30th anniversary

“Machwürth Team International successful on the market for 30 years”

Shaping the future with experience – on its 30th company anniversary this year, the internationally active training and consulting company will be celebrating its birthday under this motto, together with selected customers, cooperation partners and employees.

>> Learn more in the official press release!

Machwürth Team International successful on the market for 30 years

Shaping the future with experience – on its 30th company anniversary this year, the internationally active training and consulting company will be celebrating its birthday under this motto, together with selected customers, cooperation partners and employees. Continue reading Machwürth Team International successful on the market for 30 years

The digital transformation does not stop at personnel development

Since April 2019, Tanja and Frank Ninnemann are equal shareholders and managing directors of the training- and consulting company, Machwürth Team International (MTI). The freelance journalist, Andrej Winter, spoke with them about their plans and intentions. Continue reading The digital transformation does not stop at personnel development