Digital Addiction – Limitation in a Boundless World

When the smartphone becomes an addiction:

I bought my first cell phone when I was 18. A Nokia with a keyboard. Back then it was almost a taboo to own one. People who communicated wirelessly with another person via an almost phone booth-like device were called “busybodies”.
Almost 20 years later, the picture has changed enormously. People who don’t have a smartphone are viewed with suspicion. A life without the Internet and mobile phones: for many unthinkable.

Continue reading Digital Addiction – Limitation in a Boundless World

Thank you for your loyalty – A successful start to the New Year!

MTI wishes everyone a healthy and prosperous year 2019! We hope that you could rest well over the festive season and had a good start to the New Year. We would also like to inform, support and educate our clients, partners and readers in this New Year on current, exciting topics related to the working world. Continue reading Thank you for your loyalty – A successful start to the New Year!


Strategic cooperation between MTI China and EunaCon

Strategic cooperation between MTI China and EunaCon


Company-specific tailored solutions and global support for the implementation of your company‘s strategy

Dear reader,

in times of digital transformation, agile organisation and VUCA, it is indispensable to refer to high-performance external partners with a large range of services.

On that basis, MTI China and EunaCon agreed on a strategic cooperation. Both companies bring years of experience in the China business and can successfully build packages of services there.

Continue reading Strategic cooperation between MTI China and EunaCon

A Coaching a day, keeps the problem away

But do you really know what Coaching is?

Dear Reader,

currently Coaching is everybody’s darling. One in five people (19%) saw an ROI of 50 times when it comes to investing in Coaching, while a further 28% saw an ROI of 10 to 49 times, according to the ICF (International Coach Federation) Global Coaching Clients Study. But what is Coaching exactly, when is Coaching the right method for improvement and how is it different from Mentoring or Supervision? Continue reading A Coaching a day, keeps the problem away