Increase the leadership and management skills systematically

Managers and leadership personalities have to mature. High-performance businesses know this. For this reason, they develop their managers systematically ‒ often through multi-level development programs that build on each other and have various curriculum and are designed differently depending on the target group.

All programs include these common elements:

  • They give participants the leadership and management skills they need.

  • They familiarize participants with the leadership instruments and management tools they need to professionally meet the duties of the (desired) new position. And:

  • They encourage participants to reflect and, where necessary, change their (lead-ership) style in order to develop their managerial strengths even more.

MTI supports companies in developing and implementing these kinds of such management programs for:

  • management trainees,

  • managers who already have (initial) management experience (e.g. team leaders, department heads), and

  • well-established managers who should (potentially) be able to take over top management positions.

All MTI manager development programs, which are developed through a dialogue with our customers, combine these aspects: Based on the vision of the company, the first step is to define the skills managers need on a certain management level. Next, candidates are assessed to determine how much potential they have to achieve a specific level of competence and where there is need for growth. Then a promotion and development plan for achieving the desired goal is arranged with each participant.


Project example

Leadership Development Leadership Development