Improve change management skills

In many companies, the need for change is now so great due to the rapidly changing market climate and the quickly evolving technology that these companies can no longer meet these needs with external consultants alone ‒ and not only due to time and financial constraints. It therefore becomes a core task of leadership
  • to identify the need for change in the divisions and departments they are in charge of,

  • plan and steer change processes in their divisions and departments as well as

  • accompany and support their employees in the learning process.

In addition to transforming the self-perception of managers, this also requires solid change management expertise. MTI teaches your managers these skills in seminars and multi-stage training sessions, which we design specifically to meet your needs.



  • Management as Change Managers and Mentor

  • Plan Change projects

  • Determine Change requirements individually

  • Generate essential employees´ Change conviction

  • Lead employees in Change projects

  • Jolt and accompany employees´ change and learn process

We also train experienced employees such as project managers to become so-called change managers and monitors. This entails providing them with the skills they need to

  • analyze the requirements arising from the change project,

  • plan change projects,

  • consult managers in their leadership tasks during change projects and

  • coach their staff when needed.

This way, we can increase the innovativeness of your organization and ensure you are fit to meet the challenges of the future.