Scientific Articles | Archive – New Year 2014

The new year 2014 has just begun and we are looking forward to many exciting and challenging projects with you.

As in previous years, we want (would like) to accompany you with our MTI Newsletter and give you an insight into our expertise with our know-how and project reports.

Furthermore, we look forward to celebrating Machwürth Team’s 25th anniversary with you.

Articles written by MTI consultants and experts

New Year 2014

MTI Newsletter 25 JYears MTI Interview

25 Jahre MTI | Interview with Hans-Peter Machwürth

“Consultants are company service providers”

Hans-Peter Machwürth established Machwürth Team International 25 years ago. Its development is a fine example of how the corporate landscape has changed in Germany and elsewhere. The company founder and owner is convinced of this.

MTI Newsletter Duftstars

MTI supports DUFTSTARS 2013

“DUFTSTARS 2013 – supported by Digital Moderation for the first time”

The thousand-year-old cultural asset – perfume – was celebrated once again this year. For the 21st time, the German Fragrance Foundation honoured the fragrances of the year with the „Duftstars“ – the German perfume prize. The award ceremony was a glamorous event held at the Tempodrom, Berlin, on 17 May.

MTI Newsletter KPIs in China

Jean Yves Le Corre, on developing and implementing. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in China – and why cultural aspects matters

“Managing with KPIs in China”

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been used with substantial success in the West for around 20 years. The core motivation behind KPIs is to monitor performance, on an individual or team level, by comparing the performance against “someone”.

MTI Newsletter Projectcoaching

MTI-Consultant Christine Goebel-Born about project coaching

“Systemic project coaching”

Companies often begin projects that are new to them, for example due to their complexity, or their international character. Furthermore, they have to introduce rather inexperienced project managers and teams to complex project tasks. Project coaching is often useful in these situations.

The 90/10 principle

“Who is responsible for my actions?”

The 90/10 principle deals with how much individuals themselves contribute to unfortunate situations that befall them.

MTI Newsletter Wine Dinner

Crowd facilitating beats conferencing

“MTI North America Introduces “DigiMod” to the U.S. market”

MTI North Amerika – in cooperation with the Alliance for Digital Moderation (DIMA) – introduced the DigiMod tool to the U.S. market during the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest (GACCMidwest) Anniversary Executive Winee Dinner on November 8th 2013.

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