Today we already have one foot in the future and we should not miss the boat to shape it successfully. Hence we prepared for you topics dealing with changes, shaping the future and further education for companies and employees in our autumn/winter newsletter edition. Furthermore we give you an insight in our major event for the company’s 25th anniversary and the workshops which were held in this context. We hope to arouse your interest to learn more!
Articles written by MTI consultants and experts
Autumn/Winter 2014
Colorful program for everyone
“Major Event for the Company’s 25th Anniversary”
A 25th anniversary is always something special: Whether it is a silver wedding, an anniversary for years of service or a company anniversary. Staying passionately committed to something for 25 years is quite a feat! At MTI this commitment to the cause has already lasted 25 years and that merits an appropriately lavish celebration.
Developing common visions of the future
“Shaping the Future with Values”
In order to make lasting changes in a company, it is first necessary to analyse its corporate culture. But how can we identify this specific culture? It is only after first having gained insight into its present corporate culture that a company can develop a strategy for change.
Factors for successful change management
“Change Management – Successfully Implementing Changes”
The principle challenges companies will face over the next ten years will be implementing (partial) globalisation and concepts for increasing added value. This requires finding new solutions in terms of structural and operational organisation.
Virtual teams are becoming ever more common
“Managing virtual teams”
These days the best minds on given subject are often situated at different locations. Thanks to the rapid development of the Internet those people can be connected globally. More and more virtual teams are becoming common thanks to this simple method of communication. However, managing such teams has both advantages and disadvantages.
Challenges on international level
“International Project Groups – Culture-Related Differences in Working Processes”
When project teams are international and serious conflicts arise between colleagues from different countries, it is often not clear to those in charge that culture-related differences may have been the trigger.
What to look for in your training
“Train the Trainer – Looking for Quality Training “
About 40,000 trainers work in Germany. Many trainers are looking for qualified further education and training. In this article you can find out what trainers should look for when it comes to enhancing their skills.